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Protect the GUT microbiome

There’s an ecosystem within each and every one of us. And it needs our help.

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Culturelle® Probiotics is starting a movement. The gut does so much for us – digestion, immunity, metabolism, overall wellness – it’s time we do something for it.

The State of the Gut Microbiome


loss of biodiversity

In the last 70 years, the gut microbiome has lost nearly half of its good bacterial species.Sources: The Lancet, Rutgers


Of Americans

Live with gut health issues, yet aren’t doing anything about it! Source: Ipsos



That’s how many bacterial cells are in your gut’s microbiome right now! Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information

Is your gut an endangered ecosystem?

The gut’s greatest threat? Human nature.

The gut’s greatest threat? Human nature.

The gut’s greatest threat? Human nature.

The gut’s greatest threat? Human nature.


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Find Your Probiotic
The Surprising Facts

Gut Health & Probiotics

Not all probiotic supplements are the same.

Not all probiotic supplements are the same.

The type of bacteria in your probiotic supplement is important, but the exact strain is more critical than you think. Culturelle® probiotic supplements contain live, active cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG which has been proven to have the ultimate probiotic power - strong enough & sticky enough to survive stomach acids and successfully set up shop in the intestines. L. rhamnosus GG is a clinically studied strain of probiotic + naturally sourced, and proven to provide a digestive health advantage.

Probiotics support more than digestion.

Probiotics support more than digestion.

When people think ‘gut’ they think digestion. But it’s so much more than that. Studies show that 70% of your immune system is housed in the gut. Which means taking probiotics helps to support immune health, leading to overall wellness and even things like metabolism.*

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The movement

Trust your gut to Culturelle® Raise your voice.

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